Common Humane Ways to Remove Groundhogs from Your Manchester Property

If you want to get rid of the groundhogs in your Manchester yard, you will need to have a comprehensive plan. You should not do it hastily since it will only result to a short-term solution. Your plan should include trapping, removal, and home modification. This will help you get rid of this creature without the need to harm them. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to encourage this creature to leave your property.

Complete Guide in Removing the Groundhog Safely

Groundhogs can become a nuisance New Hampshire creature because of their digging habit. They can create tunnels and burrows that will make our yard appear unsightly. Their incessant digging can also destroy the roots of our plants that can damage it. Before the winter approaches, you will need to think of ways to remove them before their hibernation period starts. The best time to remove them is during the latter part of September.

Remove Attractants

Groundhogs will usually enter our area to find a comfortable place to live. They prefer to create their den in the area near their food source. It is essential to take the necessary steps to minimize the possible damages that the groundhogs can cause. An excellent way to do this is to remove the possible attractants. Harvest your crops in advance such as the melon, peas, and beans. This creature will also prefer to live in a place where they can conceal themselves. Be sure that there are no piles of woods, rocks, or debris in your yard. Trim the plants that the groundhogs can use for their cover.

Determine their Burrows

Being familiar with the usual method of the groundhog will help you devise a plan to control their damage and population. By identifying their common activities, you can easily find the burrows of the groundhogs. Their burrows will usually contain around 2-5 entry points. These are around 6-8inches in terms of diameter. These holes are often hidden in your vegetation. The groundhogs will loosely cover them with leaves and sticks.

Choosing the Humane Method to Control Them

After you managed to determine the common areas of the New Hampshire groundhogs, it is now time to identify the method that you want to use when getting rid of them. You may also choose to combine various methods to increase the success of driving away the woodchucks.

Live Traps-This is one of the best ways to eliminate infestation. Groundhogs are known to be cautious. Be sure to wear gloves when handling the traps. Your trap will not work once your scent has been transferred to the trap.

Repellents-There are two types of repellents against Manchester groundhogs; liquid and granular. Granular repellents can be spread all over your property that will serve as a barrier against the creature. Liquid repellents on the other hand will be sprayed on plants and grass to discourage the creature from chewing the plant.

Fencing-Although they are adept climbers, installing fences will make it more challenging for them to enter our property.

In case you did not properly control your Manchester groundhog problems, their burrowing may cause severe structural damages. They can also chew electrical wires that are potential fire hazards. To experience the optimum result, hire the service of the pros.

Visit our Manchester wildlife removal home page to learn more about us.